Japan's Moon Probe Gets Power Back!

So, Japan's Moon probe, SLIM, got its power back! It was stuck upside-down on the Moon for nine days because its engines went wonky during landing.

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Guess what? They managed to talk to it again! The Sun moved a bit, so the solar panels could finally charge the probe's battery. Cool, right?

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Now, they're back in action! Japan's space folks, JAXA, are all pumped to keep exploring the Moon's secrets.

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JAXA had a hunch that if the Sun shifted, SLIM could get juiced up again. And guess what? They were right!

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But here's the catch: Nobody's sure how long the power will last. The probe wasn't built for the long, dark lunar nights, which are coming up soon.

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Before it ran out of juice, SLIM snapped some awesome pics of the Moon. They even found a rock that looks like a toy poodle! How neat is that?

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Despite a bumpy landing, Japan's mission is a hit! They're the fifth country to land something on the Moon, joining the US, China, India, and the old Soviet Union.

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SLIM's landing was a bit wobbly, but it's still a win! They nailed the landing within just 180 feet of the target. That's some impressive tech they've got there!

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